
That Time I Was a Whitehat Hacker

September 18, 2016

I’ve been trying to find a replacement for github streaks after they removed them a few months ago. I was pretty happy to find GithubOriginalStreak which had browser plugins for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. After installing the plugin and noticing it wasn’t correctly reporting streak lengths, I dug into its source code and was surprised to see it was using github gists as a datastore for streak information.

This presented a few problems:

  1. Github gists aren’t supposed to be used as a high performance database. Github probably rate limits access to its data.
  2. The packaged browser extensions contain read/write keys to the account that owns the github gist. The GithubOriginalStreak repository itself doesn’t have the keys but the keys are easily extractable from the extensions anyways.
  3. Neither the gist nor the code does any validation of incoming data before the supposed gist lengths are displayed inline in the Github page.

This last problem was the most critical. A malicious attacker could have gotten write-privileges by downloading and unpacking the extension, then modified the gist to inject an XSS attack into someone else’s browser. The best part is that the gist contains a list of all people who use the extension so you could target a specific person for XSS.

I talked to the author afterwards and thankfully he was receptive of the feedback. The extension is still using Github gists but is now doing some data validation. With the new profile design, extensions like these shouldn’t be needed anymore.